Sunday, May 15, 2011

a sanctuary of sorts

There is a place in the world that I deem my "world between worlds," a place where I can go and read any book and it fits the setting, a place that resonates with everything I love, a place that is treasured by the people I love. For me it is a type of sanctuary, a thing Lemony Snicket describes as "a small, safe place in a troubling world. Like an oasis in a vast desert or an island in a stormy sea." Meaningful times spent here with Jesus also mark it in my memory as a thing of beauty, a place of reflection and quiet. I do not get to be here often, but it seems that when I do find myself sitting on the canyon rocks next to the clear, rushing creek, I am most reassured and reminded of God's ever progressing work on my ragged heart.  

I realize it is rather materialistic to hold a place here on earth so dearly, but honestly I think that in some ways there are places God uses to give you a glimpse of eternity, so perhaps it isn't so materialistic, just an appreciation. Oak Creek Canyon (near Sedona, Arizona) is this place for me. Thinking of it recalls memories of cherished times spent deep in conversation, adventuring, journaling, and just soaking in the stillness of God's presence through the beauty of nature. It's a place where the business of life gets put on hold and the right perspective is readjusted in my mind and heart. 

The North orchard is in Oak Creek, and I use it as the title for this blog for a couple reasons. 
My brother once labeled a passage from Hebrews 11, "The North Country," and perhaps it is self-explanatory: 
"...They were foreigners and strangers here on earth. People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. Instead, they were longing for a better country -- a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them." 

To me this encapsulates the mindset I desire and strive to have. North as in heaven, upward, something Higher than myself, beyond myself, fixed on the Kingdom and not worldly things...the "north country". Perhaps a stretch, but I like it.  

I'm using the term North Orchard instead, because it reminds me not only of the place where I feel the most spiritually refreshed, but also of growth, fruit (the fruit of the Spirit) and the shaping that God does in my heart. That is what I want this blog to be, an expression of myself, my thoughts, interests, and what I'm learning. I do not promise any kind of consistency or pattern to posting, but sporadic and unique is more what I prefer anyway.  Enjoy :)

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